Saturday, September 22, 2012

Common Guy Reviews Divided We Stand

We Are Different…But Yet Much The Same 

The United States of America is such a great country. So many things have been done throughout the years to make us proud of our fellow citizens. We have freedoms that other countries envy and other citizens crave. We do sometimes take those freedoms for granted. And sometimes, we think “we” are the ones that deserve those freedoms…while others among us do not. That is the foundation of the new documentary Divided We Stand: Rising Above Religious Intolerance

Politics divide us on a daily and even hourly basis. One of the basic rights we are granted in the United States is the Freedom of Religion. We can choose who we want to worship, without a government telling us what is right and wrong. But we go even further when it comes to our elected leaders. In the Constitution it states, “… no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.” Sure, that is great in theory, but as a country we do elect our leaders, and religious tests are all around.  >> Read More on Common Guy Movie Reviews

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Moving Forward with Divided We Stand

It may seem we've stalled on the distribution of Divided We Stand, but nothing could be further from the truth. Divided We Stand is now available on Along with that, it is now available anywhere books are sold in America. The message of religious intolerance in America is continuing to spread as we are mere 62 days from the election of a new U.S. president.

Several movie review sites are in the process of reviewing it, and a number of private organizations are in the process of making it available to their employees, constituents and members.
A review left on reads: "This is a thoughtful message. The makers of this documentary treated the people being interviewed with a great deal of respect. I thought the ending was very interesting and unexpected. I really liked it." Wally
The general consensus from those we've spoken to is it's worth watching for every American. In fact, consid that religious bigotry continues to raise its ugly head in America. Moreso, consider the Obama Campaign's "whisper campaign" against Mitt Romney proves that it is an issue that must be addressed once and for all in America. Divided We Stand addresses it and invites the viewer to open their minds to the possibility that freedom of religion can exist, and no religious test ever exists for American elected officials.

We invite you to purchase your own copy, watch the documentary, jump on over to Amazon, and at minimum, 'LIKE it and if so inclined, please leave a review. If you like it, please recommend it to all your friends and neighbors. Let's make a difference by becoming a part of history.

Copyright 2012 by DWS Productions

Monday, August 6, 2012

USDR Review of Divided We Stand

by Candace Salima, Senior Contributor
Posted on 5 August 2012

Movie: Divided We Stand, Rising Above Religious Intolerance
Director: Bryan Hall
Rating: N/A
Genre: Documentary

It is not often that I sit down to watch a documentary, especially one that has gone straight to DVD. But in this case, the subject matter caught my attention and I took the time. Now, as a matter of full disclosure, I am the “face” of Divided We Stand, Rising Above Religious Intolerance, so I have the inside track on some of the information. 

Divided We Stand is based on the religious bigotry that has existed in America since our birth. The constant thread through the documentary is the muddy world of politics and religion. Article VI of the U.S. Constitution clearly states, “…no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.” Director, Bryan Hall took his crew, rented an RV, and took a coast to coast trip interviewing people from both sides of religious argument who have been in the news. Some are violently opposed to this Constitutional Requirement, while others believe it should be upheld. After all, the United States of America was founded on religious freedom. -->> Read More

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Five Days and Counting!

Five days and counting until the Utah Premier of Divided We Stand, Rising Above Religious Intolerance, a documentary shining the bright light of day on the religious bigotry still prevalent in America today. Bryan Hall, the director, went coast to coast interviewing both religious bigots and proponents of religious freedom, many of whom have graced your t.v. screens on the news. If you’re LDS, then you know what religious bigotry is all about. But did you know that Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy also suffered this same bigotry when they ran for president?

 Today, we are faced with it once again as the fevered pitch continues to rise around Mitt Romney’s candidacy. Divided We Stand helps all to look in the mirror and realize that America is teetering economically, politically and the divide is growing wider because of religious prejudice. This 57 minute documentary is literally something everyone should see and share with all they know.

You’re invited to the premier in the nation of Divided We Stand, Rising Above Religious Intolerance in South Jordan, UT (Megaplex 20 at The District) on Tuesday, August 7, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. Tickets may be purchased at and includes a DVD copy of Divided We Stand and an opportunity to win a raffle prize that night.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Divided We Stand Website Fully Functional

Religious intolerance is alive and well in the land of the free and the home of the brave. But DWS Productions is standing strong against religious bigotry and we are asking Americans to stand with us in insuring Article VI of the U.S. Constitution is held as the standard. "... no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." Article VI, U.S. Constitution. 

We invite you to visit Divided We Stand website and learn how prevalent religious bigotry has been throughout America's history. You may purchase copies of Divided We Stand, Rising Above Religious Intolerance, the documentary that tackles the religious bigotry in America head on. Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and John F. Kennedy all faced this unconstitutional test. In 1786, Jefferson wrote:

Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly, That no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burdened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in nowise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.The Virginia Act for Establishing Religious Freedom, Thomas Jefferson, 1786
John F. Kennedy experienced religious intolerance as he campaigned for the presidency. Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln also fought against the same intolerance in their day. And now we find ourselves in the same situation with the current political and religious issues that face us as a nation. Divided in many ways, we hope to overcome that and stand united as one nation.
On another note, Candace Salima, the "face" of Divided We Stand will be on the Price of Business tonight, discussing the documentary and the reality of religious bigotry. You may listen in at at 8:00 p.m. CST tonight, if you're not in the Houston area. If you are in Houston, you may listen in at KNTH 1070 AM, home of Bloomberg Radio. It promises to be a lively discussion. Candace and Kevin are not known for holding anything back.

Ms. Salima is a columnist, reviewer, frequent guest on radio shows across the nation and host of her own show, Turning the Tide with Candace Salima. Candace's specials center around everything that makes it morning in America again. Politics, current events, arts, music, film, literature and business.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Utah Premier of Divided We Stand, Rising Above Religious Intolerance

6:00 AM (MDT) 29 July 2012

Utah Premier of “Divided We Stand, Rising Above Religious Tolerance” in South Jordan 
Film Addresses Mitt Romney’s Mormon Faith and Presidential Bid

Salt Lake City, UT – July 29, 2012: DWS Productions announces the Utah premier of the documentary film, Divided We Stand, Rising Above Religious Intolerance, at The District Megaplex in South Jordan, UT at 6:00 p.m. on August 7, 2012. The film, by director Brian Hall, addresses the current issue many Judeo-Christian Americans face with presumptive Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney and his Mormon faith. Hall uses history to show this same mistrust was shared by the American public during Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and John F. Kennedy’s presidential campaigns. All of them, becoming presidents of great accomplishment and strength. 

The issue of religious bigotry, as it relates to the White House and its presidential occupant, has existed in America since the early 18th century. DWS Productions traveled coast to coast interviewing members of several Christian sects who firmly believe Mitt Romney shouldn’t become president due to his membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Still, other citizens, citing Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, were just as adamant in defending Romney’s rights guaranteed under the Constitution, wherein it clearly states there will be no religious test for the highest office in the land. 

Interviews with Pastor Robert Jeffers, Dr. Richard Land, FoxNews contributor and columnist, Hugh Hewitt, as well as Judge Roy Moore are featured in the documentary. Each premier attendee will receive a Divided We Stand DVD with their ticket purchase. Noted community activist, author, and talk show host, Candace Salima, will be speaking briefly on religious intolerance in America before the premier showing. 

Tickets for the premier, which includes a DVD copy of Divided We Stand, Rising Above Religious Intolerance, may be purchased online at

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